Boxing News

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How to analyze boxing

Irregularity. Unlike team sports, where teams have a tight schedule, professional boxers play 1-3 fights a year.

Weight categories. There is a large number of weight categories in boxing, which athletes periodically change. Often a fighter who is successful in one category, moving to another, is unconvincing.

The influence of judges on the outcome. Unlike football or tennis, where the referee can influence only in a few controversial moments, in boxing the referees completely determine the outcome of the fight (unless the match ends with a knockout).

Opponents are selected by promoters. It is not uncommon for managers to select “convenient” opponents for the promotion of their fighter for a long time.

A large number of unknown fighters. In team sports, the same clubs have played for years, and a large number of new names are constantly appearing in boxing. Sometimes bookmakers, not having information about new fighters, greatly overestimate the odds on them.